Sunday 4 November 2012

Barn Conversions

Barn Conversions are a way of obtaining planning permission for a dwelling on a site where there normally wouldnt be any chance of receiving a planning approval decision.

As can be seen in any rural area there are a range of older buildings in the countryside, including some that have been listed, that are no longer needed for their original purpose.
These can include school houses, churches and older traditional barns and outbuildings. The reuse and conversion of these types of buildings represent a sustainable approach to development and reuse of existing buildings in the countryside.

This applies to agricultural buildings that have a residential style construction i.e. masonry / stone walls with existing openings.

Planning permission will be granted to proposals for the conversion and adaptation if necessary, of a suitable non-residential building (see right) such as disused barns for a variety of alternative uses, including use as a single dwelling or several residential units. Such proposals will be required to be of a high design quality and integrate suitably into the surrounding landscape.

Click here to see an examples of our approved barn conversion schemes.

PPS21-Planning Permission in NI

Publication of final PPS 21 - The Department of the Environment has published the final version of Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 21 Sustainable Development in the Countryside. 
Planning Permission for dwellings & development in the countryside for a range of
situations is now possible under PPS21.
Types of acceptable development are:
• Dwellings on a farm (New Sites on any Farm)
• Replacement Dwellings (Almost all Cases)
• Barn / Building Conversions (Very Favourable)
• Dwellings in Clusters (New Policy)
• Infill / Gap Sites (Reduced to min 3 in a Row)
• Farm Diversification Schemes (Farm Shops, tourism etc)
• Agricultural Planning Applications / Farm Sheds / Wind Turbines

PPS21-What does it mean?

PPS-21 - Sustainable Development in the Countryside

PPS-21 is a set of new rules introduced by the Planning Service to create more opportunities for
development sites within the countryside.

PPS-21 is an amended set of rules to replace the old PPS-14.
It is active now as a final policy and has relaxed the restrictions on countryside development.


PPS-21 - Sustainable Development in the Countryside

PPS-21 is a set of new rules introduced by the Planning Service to create more opportunities for development sites within the countryside.
PPS-21 is an amended set of rules to replace the old PPS-14. It is active now as a final policy and has relaxed the restrictions on countryside development.

Traditional Farmhouse

How does it affect me?

PPS-21 has brought in new rules to help development which can only be applied for with the following:-

Replacement Dwellings Can be granted for existing dwellings in various states of repair as long as walls & recognisable openings remain.

New Dwelling on a Farm Under the new Planning Policy, one dwelling is permitted on a farm every 10 years.

Non-Residential (Barns) ConversionsThis applies to non-residential agricultural buildings that have a residential style construction i.e. masonry / stone walls with openings.

Infill sites along road sides This applies to small gaps or sites between a row of 3 or more existing houses.

Personal need Dwellings – These are dwellings for people with a special need or circumstance, such as a carer for another person.

Non-Agricultural business Dwellings – site specific need for a dwelling near a non-agricultural business

New Dwellings in Existing Clusters – this allows for a new house in a cluster of at least 4 buildings, at least 3 of which must be dwellings.

What do I do now?

If you think you have a site, a building to replace or convert, or need advice, contact us and we will discuss with you the options available. We offer FREE site visits for all enquires to determine the viability of making Planning applications.
Call 028 2588 2213 or email

Dwellings on Farms/Farm Dwellings CTY-10

Contrary to what many people think, this category is not just for people who work in agriculture, or farmers.
This category is actually for land owners who would like to get a site passed on their own land, for themselves, for a child or relation, or even to sell on.

There is no restriction on selling the site for financial gain and this decision to sell doesn't effect your chances of receiving planning approval.

Planning permission in this category will be approved once every 10years.
so once you receive approval, the clock starts counting down until 10years later when you can apply for another one, therefore if you do choose to sell your site then you cant get another for 10years.

Its worth mentioning though that this rule only applies to this category; dwelling on a farm.
this means if you receive approval for a dwelling on a farm then you can still apply for more sites under any of the other policys, such as replacements, barn conversions, infill sites etc.

There is certain rules that you need to adhere to in order to obtain approval for a dwelling on a farm such as:
proximity to farm buildings or farm dwelling
farm business ID Number
access to public road

If you need more information, or would like to know if you are eligible for a dwelling on your land, call FMK now on 028 2588 2213, and we we call out with you, on your site for a free visit. Once we are on site we can advise on your application, costs involved and any other questions you may have.

to see our recently approved planning applications click here

Planning NI fee increase

planning service fees increase again! Take effect end of October 2012! Big increase to all outline applications!

Building control ni fee increase

New building control regulations effective as of 31st Oct 2012,
contact fmk for more details